Saturday, April 19, 2008


5 Things I was doing Ten Years Ago..
1: Thinking about weddings. (I think)
2: Attending Tri-Del Competitions w/Toria
3: Outage Time.
4: Helping College Kids.
5: Loving Life!

5 Things on My To Do List..
1: Vacuum & dust Family Room.
2: Color my Hair. (Pam said I'm too young to go white yet)
3: Get a Primary lesson.
4: Change my Bed.
5: Go NUTS from listening to the wind blow for 4 days straight!!

5 Snacks I Like...
1: Chocolate any thing---Ice Cream, Hershey candy, etc.
2: Popcorn.
3: Almonds.
4: Jerky.
5: Green olives!

5 Things I'd Do If I Had A Billion Dollars!
1: Pay everything off!
2: Give to my kids.
3: Give to the Church.
4: Invest some.
5: Build a new house with a bedroom for each kid.

5 Bad Habits I Have...
1: Like things my way. (Kind of a perfectionist in some ways.)
2: Too much TV.
3: Plan to do things for others then get self -conscious and don't do it.
4: Eat too many snacks.
5: I'm thinking----

5 Jobs I've Had..
1: Salesclerk at Rollie's in Riverton w/Grandma Janie (I was 14)
2: Proofreader at Valley Bank and then Draper Bank (I encoded checks with the amounts at the bottom so the computer could read it and subtract from the accounts)
3: Teller at Draper Bank.
4: Manager at Dove's Grocery Store over Sundry stuff.
5: Pharmacy Tech and salesclerk.
(6: Being a MoM is the Best Job I've had!!!)

5 Places I've Live
1: Oceanside California ( Dad was a Marine)
2: Riverton Utah
3: National City California. ( Darwin was a Sailor)
4: South and West Jordan Utah--back to Riverton
5: Delta Utah (22 years now)

People to Tag??? ( this is the End)


EaGLeSToNs said...

I actually agree with Pam. You are not old enough to let it go white. This was fun. All sorts of fun stuff all about you! You shouldn't be self-conscious though, you're too old for that.

Rebekah B. said...

That was nice to say you'd give a billion dollars to the "kids" when you really wanted to write "Shawn".

How do you pronounce the word verification word? hbffg?

Katie said...

You can wait another 10 years, then go white.

You have nothing to be self-conscious about - you are a great lady with many talents. Look how well all of us turned out. :)

My verification is lnaqkcxx. Pronounce that, Shawn. I think it's Sioux or something.

Tori and/or Clark said...

No reason to be self-conscious, you are a thoughtful person, in fact I would have never thought of you as Self-conscious. And thanks for wanting to give "the kids" (all the kids and not just Shawn) part of your billions.

my word is shnqp. How is it a "word" with no vowels.?

Darwin and Deb said...

I know, I shouldn't be sc but I do and when they say "Oh you shouldn't have done that" I think -- oh, maybe that was the wrong thing to do. When I was in the RS it didn't bother me, it was expected. It's a personal thing I guess, some things you don't out grow.

EaGLeSToNs said...

I just thought this was a cool word verification word so I thought I'd share... it's frwcoe. It has vowels and everything. It's how someone would say freckles while eating a cherry snowcone.

Rebekah B. said...

how would you say it if you were eating a grape snowcone or a Tiger's Blood snowcone?