Monday, September 22, 2008


This is our new "stretch your spine" machine. I seen this on TV. On one of those ads they do.
It showed how it stretches and rotates your spine. So I thought it would help Darwin's degenerated disc disease, and it has. I tried it and it DOES work!!! Darwin said his back feels a lot better and he can move easier. Which means he can work harder! It also puts him asleep.....


I have a new toy !! Target had these on sale, so I thought I'd
give it a shot. Maybe by Christmas I will be able the play something. It's kind of fun, it
has all of the back-up stuff on it, so it makes you sound good. And it can connect ot the
computer, for what I don't know yet?

~~APRON #2~~

This is Grandma's new apron. It turn out quite festive!
I don't think she liked it, might have been too bright....!

Monday, September 8, 2008


I finished my apron for the Swap. What a project this has been!! Did you know that either everyone is using chocolate brown rick rack right now .... or the company isn't making enough of it to go around ! Mom's Fabric here in town was out, Joann's (both stores) was out of it. I had this apron cut out and half sewn, because I thought I could just go to Joann's and get brown rick rack. But no, and all of the pink rick rack was the wrong pink!? And either all the stores had only 1 package of beige or none. So I got on the Internet and ordered 6 packages of sable brown rick rack. It came this morning and I got to work on my apron. It is now done and will get mailed out tomorrow to Stephanie in Iowa. I hope she likes it, she said her favorite colors were brown, pink, blue, and green.


We finally got around to painting our bedroom a couple of weeks ago. We are no longer GREEN. We are now Navajo Tan. And I don't have to make a new quilt because the one we have still matches just fine. Anyway, I thought you'd like to see what we do for fun around here.