Wednesday, January 28, 2009


This is my newest toy. I want to start or I should say add to my Family History and do it scrapbook like. And I want to make some of those vinyl wall sayings. Plus, I know each of you would like wall sayings---? I know it will by well used.
I have been working on this quilt for our bed. I decided I'd do it in plain, solid colors for Darwin. I'm sure he gets tired of flowers all of the time. Then, I did get a bonus when I retired. I have been looking for a sewing machine to buy with it. I was looking for
a machine like I have, but the store I got it from is closed and I don't want to order one off the Internet. So---Darwin noticed Nuttall's was having a Bernina Sale!! Well, Sunday morning on the radio, they announced "Dave's Bernina" was having a Super Sale this weekend. We went up on Monday to check out the machines before the sale so we wouldn't have to rush, then I would go back up for the Super Sale. The Saleslady asked the guy about the sale and they let us get it at the sale price! I finally got up the nerve to try it today, it is so fun and has all of these stitches! Plus, the Cricut will cut out fabric for appliques! I can't wait to try it all!!! Anyhow, this has been the January fun!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


It is now official. It is now President Obama. Here are a few thoughts on yesterday's happenings. It was an amazing event, to see all of those people in DC watching history being made. Pres. and Mrs. Obama will make a lot of first I'm sure. Her clothes were dissected by the media, but she is by all accounts a down-to-earth person. She had on cheaper gloves with her name-dropping coat and dress. Of course, the little girls coats cost $200 each. I guess now a day that's cheap. They said the Internet was over-loaded by down loads for look-a-like coats. I see Pres. Obama has already put a wage freeze on the White House. Ouch! I think he will do good things, I will watch and wait to see. No, I did not vote for him, I'm old and set in my ways. Some of the things he said and didn't say made me hesitant to support his views. By the look of the Inauguration, he is pulling the Country together and that--is good.