Wednesday, November 19, 2008


We have been up North the last two week-ends and each time your Dad has been a "rescuer".
The first weekend, we were heading toward the escalator in the Provo Towne Mall and a little 4 or 5 year old girl was standing there by herself. Her Grandma and Mother were going up the escalator and yelling at her to get on! Of course these days you don't know if you should help and get in trouble or run. I could tell the mother was being cautious and wondering what to do, did I mention she had a baby in her arms? But the frantic Grandma asked your Dad to bring her up to them. The little girl was hesitant at first until her Mom said it was okay. I wished I'd had a camera, she reached up and took your Dad's hand and held on til we were at the top and then she took her Grandma's hand and waved good-bye after saying Thank-you to him.
The next week-end we pulled into the Mervyn's parking lot at the University Mall. There was a college student standing in the empty space next to the one we pulled into. She was on her cell phone and you could tell she was very upset! She reminded me of our kids when we'd get the 'phone calls". Your Dad was smiling, he said, "Wait til you get out and come around, you'll see what's wrong." She had pulled her car over one of those cement dividers. She had called a kid to come help her. (Her licenced said Washington) It wasn't two seconds and he pulled up, he had two logs with him and a jack. But your Dad took charge and offered to help push the car back over the cement divider. He did use the logs. The poor girl was sooo thankful. She shook his hand and had tears in her eyes. And of course your Dad was the proud rescuer!!
What a guy!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

~~Finished Project~~

Here they are. All finished!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Just before going to Arkansas, we had bought a new TV stand for the TV. (that was dah) Any who, I painted the inside black and thought by time we got back it would be dry. (Actually, I put the back on right side out and had nailed the sucker on pretty good.) Needless to say the Family Room was a mess, in all of the rearranging, I decided to build a built-in bookcase. I have watched millions of the DIY shows, how hard could it be? Darwin bought me the wood and I was off. I had an idea of building a frame and raising it into the square. I cut out the carpet, and built a platform for this frame to sit on. So far so good. The problem was that I had put all of the books on the love seat right where I need to put my frame together??? And I WASN"T going to move those books one more time!! So I built the frame in the middle of the Family room. Darwin said he would help me get it into the square??? Okay, I measured three times and everything was all set----we raised the frame. BAM! We hit the low part of the ceiling! With some finagling we got it in place. Yea!!! Next we went on a quest to get the brackets and peg things to put the shelves up with. Remember, we live in Delta!! Argh!! ;( Losee's had some of the uprights I needed but not enough and they didn't have the little peg things. So I had Gary order me some, he said they would be in on Monday. Ya, right! I called after 11 just to give them time to find them, only to find out Gary went up on Monday to get his order and would be back around 3 or 4. :( Mind you, I came down with a cold Saturday, I got chilled out in the garage painting shelves. So I decided to wait and called on Tuesday, The uprights were there but the guy couldn't find the peg things. Fine. :( I felt like crap so I took some cough syrup and had a nap. I worked in between feeling good and coughing on the frame work around the bookcase. Wednesday I headed up to Losee's! The peg things were not in stock at the warehouse and had to come from another company, Gary said they should be here Thursday! Argh :( (So did that mean next week?) I did some errands and when I got home Losee's called. The peg things were there!! ;) Happy Day!!
I rushed home with my little $35 package of peg things and got busy putting in the uprights I had gotten that morning and the shelves!! I couldn't wait to get the books off of the love seat, I noticed the seat cushions were getting flatter and flatter! No worry though, they popped right back up with some fluffing. The books now have a permanent home and I can say I built the bookcase myself !! Mostly.....