Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Just before going to Arkansas, we had bought a new TV stand for the TV. (that was dah) Any who, I painted the inside black and thought by time we got back it would be dry. (Actually, I put the back on right side out and had nailed the sucker on pretty good.) Needless to say the Family Room was a mess, in all of the rearranging, I decided to build a built-in bookcase. I have watched millions of the DIY shows, how hard could it be? Darwin bought me the wood and I was off. I had an idea of building a frame and raising it into the square. I cut out the carpet, and built a platform for this frame to sit on. So far so good. The problem was that I had put all of the books on the love seat right where I need to put my frame together??? And I WASN"T going to move those books one more time!! So I built the frame in the middle of the Family room. Darwin said he would help me get it into the square??? Okay, I measured three times and everything was all set----we raised the frame. BAM! We hit the low part of the ceiling! With some finagling we got it in place. Yea!!! Next we went on a quest to get the brackets and peg things to put the shelves up with. Remember, we live in Delta!! Argh!! ;( Losee's had some of the uprights I needed but not enough and they didn't have the little peg things. So I had Gary order me some, he said they would be in on Monday. Ya, right! I called after 11 just to give them time to find them, only to find out Gary went up on Monday to get his order and would be back around 3 or 4. :( Mind you, I came down with a cold Saturday, I got chilled out in the garage painting shelves. So I decided to wait and called on Tuesday, The uprights were there but the guy couldn't find the peg things. Fine. :( I felt like crap so I took some cough syrup and had a nap. I worked in between feeling good and coughing on the frame work around the bookcase. Wednesday I headed up to Losee's! The peg things were not in stock at the warehouse and had to come from another company, Gary said they should be here Thursday! Argh :( (So did that mean next week?) I did some errands and when I got home Losee's called. The peg things were there!! ;) Happy Day!!
I rushed home with my little $35 package of peg things and got busy putting in the uprights I had gotten that morning and the shelves!! I couldn't wait to get the books off of the love seat, I noticed the seat cushions were getting flatter and flatter! No worry though, they popped right back up with some fluffing. The books now have a permanent home and I can say I built the bookcase myself !! Mostly.....


EaGLeSToNs said...

What a fun project. I want to see your shelves. Please add a pic! Hope you're feeling better!

The Shafers said...

Yes Yes we need a pic of the shelves. That sounded like a big project. I hate when I start something and have to wait to finish it!

Rebekah B. said...

add a picture of the shelves please.

Tori and/or Clark said...

congrats!!! sounds a little frustrating, but you got it done, can't wait til thanksgiving so Ican see them.

Katie S said...

I am tired after reading that. You are Wonder Woman. Post some pictures! I want to see!