Thursday, June 26, 2008

BTRS Swap Project~~~~

This is my finished product!! And now I get to send them to a lady in Alaska. I really hope she likes them. This has been fun to do, except trying to decide what fabric to get. It has little cherries on the white piece, that's as vintage as I could find. ( Some of the other was quite ugly)
And I found this cute green plaid ribbon to do the border. They turned out okay....I think.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Busy Friday !!

Darwin had a follow-up doctor's appointment for the kidney stones. At 9:45, so we started out early. We seen Dr. Platts associate, Dr. Egan, he was funny. He told Darwin it might take a while to pass the stones or pieces of the 9 millimeter. Darwin did pass one the morning before and so we had it so they could have it analyzed. Dr. Egan would rather find out what causes the stones than to just treat them. So, we go back in three weeks. Darwin has to have another x-ray here in Delta and he will take it with him so the Doc can see if things are moving. Darwin had another "episode" last Sunday. He was in PAIN. I don't like to see him hurting. I'm just glad it's not a constant pain.
After the doctor, we stopped by Joann's to get fabric for the BTRS swap and then hit the Golden Corral for lunch. We headed up to Pops and Grandma's to do some finishing touches on their downstairs bathroom. Randy started the project by rearranging the plumbing, Darwin did the wiring, Kevin did the framing, Eric (Kristin's husband) did the walls and ceiling, Kevin painted the walls once and Pops & Grandma painted again. Soooo- Darwin put up the lights and we tiled the floor. We were out of practice and it took us a minute to get it going, but it turned out pretty. I think Pops wanted his bathroom back, it's been a few months. Kevin is living with them and he has been lifting and resetting the toilet each time it needed it because it's too far to go upstairs....funny boy! By the way, Kevin and Karen are getting a divorce. Due to this event, he has seen Monica and his three little grandbaby girls. It is a very good thing. He is going to AAA and trying to get it together, so pray for him. We had Chinese dinner with Pops & Grandma then headed home around 8. All in all it was a great day!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


We made our way to Reno last week. As Tara said, we needed to check on Eli. And we had to make sure Tara and Jake were well also. It was a way too short visit, but they are busy and Talula can only fend for herself for so long. Eli is doing great, he gets around so fast for a little feller. He has the army crawl down and it's like he floats above the wood floor he goes so fast. He wasn't too sure about Grandpa at first, but he was warming up to him before we left. We seen Jake's TV infomercial about the digital Hi-Def thing coming to TV. I did listen but I forget easily.
He was very professional & knowledgeable !! Tara had her Bow-making stuff out and had been working hard before we got there.
It was interesting to see Donner's Pass museum. It makes you glad for what we have and for the time we live in. Even Eli was impressed by it. He got really quiet. The drive around Tahoe was enjoyable, I love Tahoe. It is so peacefully there and people are friendly. Last year, when we checked into the motel, a bear had been in the lobby. We had just missed it. Needless to say, the bellboy was extremely excited !! Going to Tahoe is our annual anniversary get-away, but we decided not to go this year. (Don't know or remember why?)
Any who, we had a very good time and playing Wii was a riot. I found muscles I haven't used for a while.....Now how am I going to get to Shawn & Bekah's ?????

5 Unimportant Things About Me~~

Bekah tagged me and I had to think about this ????
Oh, and I'm tagging Tori, Katie, and Tara !!

1. I worry as much as Darwin, I just don't let it show.
2. I would rather do dishes at a Ward Party than socialize...
3. I really like to do creative things--or at least try. It's fun to try something new and to see if
it can be accomplished.
4. I like to sew, decorate, & garden more than clean the house......
5. I decided in 7th or 8th grade that I was totally a Minority---red hair, glasses, & left handed.
A total loser back than!!! ;) ( my thinking has changed since then)


Wednesday, June 4, 2008




Place 1 tortilla in maker, place marshmellows and chocolate chips on top. Top with second tortilla and close lid. After marshmellows melt and ooze out and make a complete mess, open and cut into 4th. Enjoy!! You could add graham cracker crumbs for that taste of a s'more. Or bananas would be good. (I added the ooze part)
(I seen this on the recipe sight and thought the kids would like it)