Thursday, May 21, 2009


On May 19, 1975 a little redheaded girl came into our lives. Of course it took an extra 28 days to get her here. The doctor told us it was the quality of the baby not the quantity of time it takes to get them here, whatever that means. Thinking back, the pregnancy went fairly smooth. Not any real problems. No toxemia or bed rest. Just a really
lllooonnnggg last month!! She was what the doctor called a 'floating' baby. And I think she was comfortable where she was!! Thank goodness she decided her life needed to start. Grandma Donna came and got Shawn that morning. I remember her coming in the bathroom and she told me I had better get to the hospital because I was bearing down and Tara was on her way. No fooling around for her! Once she decided to be born she was on her way!! We made it to the hospital and Darwin went to check us in, by the time he got to the maternity ward, I had had Tara! I think labor was all of 4 hours. Slick as a whistle as the saying goes! lol!!! Tara was not a happy baby, she had colic all of the time and cried a lot. She liked lying on her Dad's chest.
And spent her first couple of months sleeping there. Her little temper matched her bright red hair! When she wanted something it was now or else. Tara always liked to sleep wrapped tight in a blanket and she could lay absolutely content for hours. Needless to say we all survived and now she is a mother to her own little redhead!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

~~ MAY 2009 ~~

Not a lot going on here. We have been getting the yard in shape for Summer. Darwin got the garden all tilled up and his potatoes planted, they are up and growing. He planted my peas and they are big. Soon we will have peas! He got the sprinkling system going and now we----he can mow the lawn. He doesn't think I can walk yet??? Next week I'll take my turn.
The hostas are up and the lilies are getting ready to bloom. The tomatoes are doing good and the green peppers are trying to grow. We have a banana squash this year and a zucchini started. Darwin started corn behind the fence, but this morning I seen something crawling through it ? What could it be? Through the fence it looked like Talula rolling around? But NO ! It was pigeons pecking at the corn seeds!! Darwin will not be happy!
Our roses are looking really good this year, maybe it was the long spring we had. Or the banana peels I put arounds them! They are ready to bloom. I have finally got my old tree stump put together. It has a gnome door and a little window with a little gnome peeking out. Irish moss is growing around the little doorstep. The squirrels and bears and birds are perched all around. Shawn and Bekah should not have taken us to the little fairy world. That was so fun! It has gotten all the creative juices going. When the kids are here, they can help me make little stepping stones for the gnomes to use!
Anyway, that is it for now !