Friday, April 25, 2008

Gardening Time !!

It's that time!! I spent yesterday out in the front yard. I dug weeds out of the flower beds and rearranged the plants. The Daisies needed to be split and divided and spread out and about. I was pulling weeds in the bed by the house and found bird remains the cat had left us...yuck! And the cats had use it as a litter box all winter. That's another big yucky !! But the lilies are sprouting and the hostas are breaking through the earth. The Grape Hyacinths are grapey and pretty. The Snapdragons are leafing out and the Yucca plants are getting new spiney leaves and the mature one will have a flowering stalk growing up the center soon.
I had made some stepping stones for our little Hide-Away around by the chimney. I need to make about 18 more! Whew!! I tore up the wild rose bush and am hoping the Four-a-clocks will come back. I love the way they smell come fall. I can stand on the patio and smell them, it's great. I noticed our peas aren't doing so well, could be it's been COLD! Hopefully as it warms up they will take off. Darwin is done with the outage next week so we can get the garden together.
It all just means more work !! But it is good work, nothing better then playing in the earth. (As Grandma Janie would say.)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"Thanks For A Good Birthday"

I just want to thank all of you for a memorable birthday. You know, you could have added the bad memories too. But it's good to hear the best things. You are the best FAMILY!! Your Dad enjoyed it too. He said he is looking forward to his birthday to see what you guys come up with for him.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

FUNNY !! ;)

Look What I Found !!!


Grandma called Wednesday night and told us that Lamar Butterfield passed away. He was Pops age. That brought back old memories. Lamar and Maxine lived next door to us, in that red brick house, when we were growing up. They had Kent (Nancy's age), Shauna (Shauna Ann is named after her), Cherie, and then they waited and had Blake (Brian's age), and Colette. I didn't know the last two. Shauna was a Server at my wedding and Cherie was a Flower girl. But we played with them all the time and Mom & Dad were in the JayCees with Lamar and Maxine. They would come and get Mom & Dad to go for a ride to Draper to get a drink....and away from the kids. Lamar was always wetting his finger and sticking it in your ear!! They out grew their house and moved to South Jordan. It just brings back lots of chidhood going ons.


5 Things I was doing Ten Years Ago..
1: Thinking about weddings. (I think)
2: Attending Tri-Del Competitions w/Toria
3: Outage Time.
4: Helping College Kids.
5: Loving Life!

5 Things on My To Do List..
1: Vacuum & dust Family Room.
2: Color my Hair. (Pam said I'm too young to go white yet)
3: Get a Primary lesson.
4: Change my Bed.
5: Go NUTS from listening to the wind blow for 4 days straight!!

5 Snacks I Like...
1: Chocolate any thing---Ice Cream, Hershey candy, etc.
2: Popcorn.
3: Almonds.
4: Jerky.
5: Green olives!

5 Things I'd Do If I Had A Billion Dollars!
1: Pay everything off!
2: Give to my kids.
3: Give to the Church.
4: Invest some.
5: Build a new house with a bedroom for each kid.

5 Bad Habits I Have...
1: Like things my way. (Kind of a perfectionist in some ways.)
2: Too much TV.
3: Plan to do things for others then get self -conscious and don't do it.
4: Eat too many snacks.
5: I'm thinking----

5 Jobs I've Had..
1: Salesclerk at Rollie's in Riverton w/Grandma Janie (I was 14)
2: Proofreader at Valley Bank and then Draper Bank (I encoded checks with the amounts at the bottom so the computer could read it and subtract from the accounts)
3: Teller at Draper Bank.
4: Manager at Dove's Grocery Store over Sundry stuff.
5: Pharmacy Tech and salesclerk.
(6: Being a MoM is the Best Job I've had!!!)

5 Places I've Live
1: Oceanside California ( Dad was a Marine)
2: Riverton Utah
3: National City California. ( Darwin was a Sailor)
4: South and West Jordan Utah--back to Riverton
5: Delta Utah (22 years now)

People to Tag??? ( this is the End)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

"A Day At Grandma's & Pop's"

I went up to the Becksteads on Tuesday to show Grandma my quilt. I think she was impressed. They are doing okay but not great. Pops was great but Grandma still has the aches and pains in her arms and hands. It does not slow her down ! She was talking about planting potatoes and tomatoes and peas. She was looking for a PVC pipe to plant her peas---you poke a hole with the
pipe and then drop the pea seed in the pipe and it goes in the hole, then cover with dirt with your toe I guess and your pea is done !! ( I just throw mine out and rake it over and hope for the best) That's probably why Darwin planted them this year--nice little rows. Any who, that way Grandma doesn't have to get on her knees. Smart idea!
We went to Albertsons to see Nancy, she is engaged to a nice man named Bob Stewart. She has a beautiful ring. I hope things go good for them. We then went to Carl's JR. for lunch, and seen Steve Lawrence there. He talked to us and said his family is doing good. Their girls are growing up and are driving him crazy. We went back to Grandma's and I set up the Blogs for Pops so they can enjoy them and keep up with their grandkids. Grandma and I tried out their new digital camera and printer, by taking a photo of the quilt for Nancy to see. Grandma was excited to use the two and wanted to take more pictures but the photo printer ran out of paper...;( It was a very good day !!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Temple Photo

Did anyone notice that I elongated the photo of us at the Temple?? We look skinny!!


I was talking to Shawn last night about reading the Ensign. Sometimes it's hard to remember
to do it, but I do read the Presidency Message when it first comes. Then I read the Visiting Teaching message and the Sampler. I also put the new Ensign in the bathroom, in hopes that Darwin will read it.... ;) So last night when I got in the tub, I decided to read one article each night. As I was looking through the April issue I came across an article about "Nurturing Children". On pages 38 & 39 look at the photos---it's Teresa Nickle and her kids. Her mom & dad are in our ward now and they have the little girl sometimes. I know her husband is in the CES. Shawn knows him, I think. So there you go!!