Thursday, April 10, 2008

"A Day At Grandma's & Pop's"

I went up to the Becksteads on Tuesday to show Grandma my quilt. I think she was impressed. They are doing okay but not great. Pops was great but Grandma still has the aches and pains in her arms and hands. It does not slow her down ! She was talking about planting potatoes and tomatoes and peas. She was looking for a PVC pipe to plant her peas---you poke a hole with the
pipe and then drop the pea seed in the pipe and it goes in the hole, then cover with dirt with your toe I guess and your pea is done !! ( I just throw mine out and rake it over and hope for the best) That's probably why Darwin planted them this year--nice little rows. Any who, that way Grandma doesn't have to get on her knees. Smart idea!
We went to Albertsons to see Nancy, she is engaged to a nice man named Bob Stewart. She has a beautiful ring. I hope things go good for them. We then went to Carl's JR. for lunch, and seen Steve Lawrence there. He talked to us and said his family is doing good. Their girls are growing up and are driving him crazy. We went back to Grandma's and I set up the Blogs for Pops so they can enjoy them and keep up with their grandkids. Grandma and I tried out their new digital camera and printer, by taking a photo of the quilt for Nancy to see. Grandma was excited to use the two and wanted to take more pictures but the photo printer ran out of paper...;( It was a very good day !!!


Rebekah B. said...

I like blogs like these. keep them coming. It sounded like a nice day.

EaGLeSToNs said...

Sounds like fun. I added grandma to our blog so she can check it out. I don't plant peas...they make my throat itch. I might be allergic. I like your purple font. Very fun!

MoM B. said...

It was a good day. I need to go up more often, but she always has a list of things she would like done. I know--I have lots of time... ;)

Katie said...

Sounds like fun! When is Nancy getting married? That's an exciting time. Did you teach them how to make comments? I haven't heard from them yet! :)

Lincoln has planted peas the past 2 summers. It's fun for him to do and eat the peas when they grow.

The word verification is qzdeo. (I feel like I'm on that old game show "Password").

Tori and/or Clark said...

I like you blogs mom! When is Nancy getting married, and where? Good to know Grandgma and Grandpa are doing well. I need to visit soon.

MoM B. said...

I don't know when they are getting married, something to do with apartments and leases. He is nice looking and has two kids- a boy and a girl. I don't know too much?

Katie said...