Friday, April 25, 2008

Gardening Time !!

It's that time!! I spent yesterday out in the front yard. I dug weeds out of the flower beds and rearranged the plants. The Daisies needed to be split and divided and spread out and about. I was pulling weeds in the bed by the house and found bird remains the cat had left us...yuck! And the cats had use it as a litter box all winter. That's another big yucky !! But the lilies are sprouting and the hostas are breaking through the earth. The Grape Hyacinths are grapey and pretty. The Snapdragons are leafing out and the Yucca plants are getting new spiney leaves and the mature one will have a flowering stalk growing up the center soon.
I had made some stepping stones for our little Hide-Away around by the chimney. I need to make about 18 more! Whew!! I tore up the wild rose bush and am hoping the Four-a-clocks will come back. I love the way they smell come fall. I can stand on the patio and smell them, it's great. I noticed our peas aren't doing so well, could be it's been COLD! Hopefully as it warms up they will take off. Darwin is done with the outage next week so we can get the garden together.
It all just means more work !! But it is good work, nothing better then playing in the earth. (As Grandma Janie would say.)


Rebekah B. said...

I like when you write about gardening.

EaGLeSToNs said...

You are very smart about gardening. I can tell that it is a passion for you. I spent two hours in our yard today and it was miserable. I didn't prune well last fall and had to make up for it today. I never know if something is a plant, bulb, or weed. I'm sure I've ruined many thriving plants that would've been better off without enduring my gardening techniques. You should check with Lincoln on your peas. I hear he gets them to grow pretty well.

Tori and/or Clark said...

I would probably end up doing what Tara does. I don't know a dandylion from a....some flower with a fancy name (refer back to your blog). Yep, that's how much I know about gardening. I know Clark loves it though so maybe he will teach me when we have a garden to plant in.

MoM B. said...

You know-- I didn't know anything either at first. I have killed my share of plants. Read and read and then just plant something. Yhere were weeds in the beginning of time...gardening isn't perfect.

The word is FNDZI ??

Katie said...

Isn't it early to plant peas? Let me know when it's time to plant tomatoes - we want to try to grow some in pots this summer.

It sounds like fun - I miss flower beds and garden beds. I just need to figure out where to put them here and the sun/shade patterns. Such a process!

EaGLeSToNs said...

You haven't bloggeed all month... I hear Nancy got married. We would like an update...

MoM B. said...
