lllooonnnggg last month!! She was what the doctor called a 'floating' baby. And I think she was comfortable where she was!! Thank goodness she decided her life needed to start. Grandma Donna came and got Shawn that morning. I remember her coming in the bathroom and she told me I had better get to the hospital because I was bearing down and Tara was on her way. No fooling around for her! Once she decided to be born she was on her way!! We made it to the hospital and Darwin went to check us in, by the time he got to the maternity ward, I had had Tara! I think labor was all of 4 hours. Slick as a whistle as the saying goes! lol!!! Tara was not a happy baby, she had colic all of the time and cried a lot. She liked lying on her Dad's chest.
And spent her first couple of months sleeping there. Her little temper matched her bright red hair! When she wanted something it was now or else. Tara always liked to sleep wrapped tight in a blanket and she could lay absolutely content for hours. Needless to say we all survived and now she is a mother to her own little redhead!
Just had to think about it!
I wasn't colicy. What are you talking about. I was a perfect baby. Dad has a great chest to lie on. It's like a big fluffy pillow. I'm glad you hung in there that last month. Sorry to cause any discomfort. Thanks for being a great mom!
I love these "birth-stories"! I'm glad Tara grew out of her colicy-ness - I would never have guessed she was a fussy baby, knowing her now.
Tara colicky?? no that just doesn't seem right?
I'm glad Tara doesn't cry all the time now. That would get old.
Only Jake would know now......
how big was she?? 28 days late.
9 pounds I think?
Yes, exactly 9 lbs.
Did you ask me about getting your link to Mollie's blog fixed on here? I think she changed her blog address - made it private. I don't know what that new address is, though.
Okay, you can't get on it either then?
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