Wednesday, August 18, 2010


We have talked about a shed for--I don't remember how long. I decided to put rocks over by the short fence by the driveway, that way the cats couldn't use it for a litter box. No sooner do I get it done then Darwin decides to get a shed! He isn't just 'talking' about it now--he wants a shed. So fine, we decide how big, exactly where, what kind of roof, all of that stuff. Right now I'm tired of building and do it yourself projects. So--do we build it our selves or order a kit? I voted for someone else to build it period ! A place in Nephi has physically challenged people build and sell sheds. Darwin checked them out. They can only deliver 10 feet wide and up to 20 feet long. 10 feet wide because of the road width, hahaha.
This week Darwin has been destroying the North side of the yard. Tore down the fence, ripped out the post. I moved my rocks. We are moving the wood to behind the back fence. Getting rid of some garbage, so fun. Today he is calling for details on the shed. Tomorrow he should order the cement to set it on. Good fun.....AND then, we are going to RELAX !! I am anyway........but then we have to move stuff INTO the shed?


Tori and/or Clark said...

fun! I would order it too, if I could and if I had a yard.

Katie S said...

I can't wait to see it. Sounds like a fun project. Even more fun that someone else is going to build it. It sounds like you still had/have to do a lot of work yourself, though. :(