Monday, July 14, 2008


Darwin had a follow-up appointment on Friday. He is doing ok, but still gets pains off and on.
On Wednesday(the one before the appointment) night he pulled the stint out~~it turned out to be 15 inches long and Darwin cussed ~~I can't repeat what he said or thought! Once that was gone he did better. He still had blood in his urine but I think he is still healing from all of this.
The Doc told him he still has a 5mm stone in his kidney. This news did NOT make him happy!
So basically it is a waiting game, if the stone moves or not. One of his concerns was cancer, but the Doc reassured him that the Cat Scan did not show anything. Darwin's new thing is to go walking around the neighborhood in the evening when he has a pain, I suggested maybe it would lessen it since that what they do in the hospital. Only he wears his pajamas! The neighbors stop him to see if he is okay because he is slumped and walks like an old man. (Actually, I think he gets a kick out this!)
Darwin did go to work today. After all of this, he is ready for retirement. Really ready. We will see how long he last today. He is still weak and his stamina isn't like it was. We stopped by Mom and Dad's on Friday and Grandma told him he looked terrible!! So much so that she took a picture of him to show the rest of the family....funny. He has lost at least 25 pounds and his pants fall right off!! The good news is he is getting better. It will just take time and now we know how to handle kidney stones.


EaGLeSToNs said...

Is the weight loss due to Weight Watchers or the Stones? Or both? Or did the stones weigh 25 lbs? Glad to hear he is on the mend though. What will he do if he retires? Write children's books?

MoM B. said...

I think I'll write and he can illustrate them!! And probably both. (weight loss)

Katie S said...

So, do the neighbors think he's dillusional? That's kinda funny. I don't know that it's a good sign that people are taking pictures of him to have proof of how bad he looks.

It sounds like he's on the road to recovery - slowly. Let us know if we can help with anything!

Tori and/or Clark said...

I'm glad he is on the mend. I know his pants are falling off of him, I can vouch for that!!