Tuesday, July 8, 2008

~~~~THE STONES~~~(Not the Rock Group)

Wow! What a weekend. That is a photo of Darwin at the Parade on the 4th, he was in pain then but joined in the fun anyway. Plus he had taken a few Percocets. By 5 in was dying! So after a blessing, we headed to the ER, after 5 morphine shots in the I.V. (20ml) his pain was under control but not gone. They released him with a bottle of new pain killers. His urologist told us to give him a call if the pills didn't work and he would have him admitted to the hospital up north and do something about the stones. Of course, the intense pain didn't come back until Saturday evening. At 9, Darwin had me call the Urologist, Dr. Platt, only he wasn't on call, his associate was and he sent us to the ER at Timpanogas Hospital. We left Delta at 10:30 and got in Orem around 12. That was quite the ride!! Poor Darwin was in so much pain and every curve and pot-hole made it worse. Then after we got there, the ER Doc was going to send him home. Darwin told him No way! He wasn't going anywhere! So they admitted him, which was a good thing.
On Monday morning Dr. Platt removed the stones by doing a urethra-basket procedure. Check this out on the Internet, it's really something. They slide a wire under the stone and break it somehow and then this little basket opens behind the stone and is pulled out. They did this several times....OUCH! The Doc said he had a hard time getting the big ones out because they wouldn't break up. The hospital sent him home around 10. Needless to day Darwin is in a lot of
pain today. The Doc put a stint in to keep the channel open so he could pass the residue left from the breaking of the stones. The stint has a sting on it so on Friday Darwin can pull it out.
This has been quite the experience for him!! It hurts when he goes to the bathroom, he came downstairs and asked me if I knew how bad that burns and hurts?? I laughed!!! You mean like after giving birth and the epesiotomy hurts?? Then he laughed and said "Touche!" But lets hope he is on the mend and that this doesn't happen again!! Darwin really thought he would be up and running today, but instead he is tired and very weak. Thanks again for all of your thoughts and prayers on his behalf.


EaGLeSToNs said...

I find it funny that in the picture of dad, he is on a sidewalk surrounded by STONES! We're glad to hear he is doing much better now. It's a good time for him to relax and watch some good movies or something...maybe read a good book. He might like the Twilight Series...(just kidding)

Tori and/or Clark said...

Tara's funny. Dido to her comment and also get well.

Katie S said...

I'm glad he's doing better. I like the pictures - his stones are at least smaller than the flag. That's saying something.

MoM B. said...

That's a ruler....

Rebekah B. said...