Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Just to let you know what's been going on here with your Dad. Remember the lilac bush we moved and your Dad hurt his knee and all? Well, the pain didn't go away. Friday Darwin was putting in the new front door and his back and leg and knee was hurting. I finally told him to go to the Doctor!! He agreed (right away I might add). I called and got him in to see Dr. Shamo that afternoon. Dr. Shamo told the therapist at IPP was right, it is his sciatica nerve. And that he has Osteo Arthritis in his body. The doctor sent him over to have an X-ray of his back. We got the results Monday, he also has "multi-level degenerate disease in his discs and joints". And then..on Monday he came home early, he had twisted his ankle again ! He is NOT having a good week. The doctor told him to take Tylenol and Glucosamine Sulfate for it all. When he can't stand it anymore then I guess we think about surgery. (On his back). Can you believe he took sick leave?? As you can see he is on the mend.


Tori and/or Clark said...

Pretty Ankle, mom can make you an ankle braclet to match. Sorry for the hard week dad. GET FEELING BETTER!!!

Tori and/or Clark said...

I just wanted to add that the pictures here look similar to pictures barely down the blog, sad.

Katie S said...

OUCH!!! Can we come help you put in a front door? Please stop hurting yourself! :)

Sorry that you have a degererative disease. Sounds like an awful lot of fun.

Rebekah B. said...

so, what does this mean exactly? degenerative? That means it can't be made better, right? We hope you get to feeling better. I'll call tomorrow.

EaGLeSToNs said...

You're not having a lucky year. It's too bad you're not 55 any more or even 66. I guess 57 is not your lucky number. You should try Active-On. Apply directly to your ouchies. It really works!

MoM B. said...

I told him about the Active-on, but then we both immediately forgot the name! dah! Notice, he did move to the full size sofa this time. Where Talula immediately joined him. (the word for the day is immediately)hahaha
Your father has felt very loved with all of your concerns for him, thanks.