Thursday, May 22, 2008


The other day we were out and about in the yard. Grandpa was hooking up the watering system in the garden, he turned the water on to test it out. It also turns on the sprinklers under the trees by the back fence. I noticed that Talula was just sitting there with her back to the water. Now why is she doing that, I wondered? So I called to her. She didn't move, she merely put her nose in the grass and scratched around. Soon she walked over to the patio where I was and she had a what looked like a mouthful of grass. Upon examining closer, I seen it was a LIZARD !! The question was "Where on earth did Talula get a lizard?" I screamed at Grandpa, "Talula has a lizard! Do something!" He just said, "Good for her, it's okay. Tell her not to play with her food."
I kept a close eye on her, but especially on the lizard. She would let the lizard get so far then she would reach out with her paw and catch it's tail. The thing would play dead and not move for a long time and then Talula would nudge it til it moved and it started all over again. At one time it got over in the flowerbed and Talula lost it, I didn't and I picked her up and showed her where it was! She was so excited! Grandpa needed parts so we headed to Ace's and an hour later she was still playing with the lizard. That was until she seen us. She then proceeded to take the lizard in her mouth and went around the corner by the chimney. Soon she was back around and wanted to come in the house with us. No way, I went to check out exactly where that lizard was. All I found was a wet, greasey looking spot on the cement.....argh !! Needless to say, Talula did NOT come in that night. She had to digest her dinner. Now the question is, "Are there anymore lizards in my yard?" I really don't handle snakes or lizards well !!! :)


Darwin and Deb said...

I typed this three times and hit the wrong button and earased it twice!! life!!!

EaGLeSToNs said...

At least it's a little lizzard. It's kind of cute.

Katie said...

I guess getting you an iguana for Christmas would be a bad idea?

Tori and/or Clark said...

I don't think Tara would think it was cute if it was in her backyard. Remember the time at grandma's when a frog jumped on her foot, I don't think she thought that was cute.

MoM B. said...

I don't remember Tara and the Frog--Remind me.

EaGLeSToNs said...

I was wearing sandals too. That was disgusting. It was bit fat ugly toady frog. Yuck!

Darwin and Deb said...

Hee hee hee. I remember that. She screamed like a girl...

Darwin and Deb said...

oh wait - that last one was me - katie