Monday, March 1, 2010


A month ago, Darwin was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. He, of course, thought his life was over!! The second day after finding out, he woke up early (4:30 am), in a panic. He was worrying that the diabetes had harmed his internal organs and he was going to die !! Of course, being half awake I told him the osteoarthritis could get him first! Or I could get hit by a car tomorrow and go first. I won't tell you his reply to that!! It was just rude... :( We did talk and settled him down and got him off to work. He gets to work and someone had brought in DONUTS ! Darwin was good and didn't have one.
We have been searching the Internet for all the info on diabetes. Some of it is so contradicting, you can have honey, NO you cannot have honey, a little of this is okay, NO you can't have a little of that ! So confusing. We are at the point now of experimenting with what raises his sugar and what is safe. We have to count in the Osteoarthritis, High blood pressure, and Cholesterol also. Low-salt, which low-sugar products add for taste, low-fat, high calcium--- did I tell you this is so confusing???? Argh !!! This person is losing her mind. I am not a cook, as you all know by now.
I have been going through recipes in books and on-line. I am getting a small collection going, and you should see my spice collection !! I have every flavored vinegar made, and vinaigrette's.
Wheat pasta, whole wheat bread, 7-grain bread, wheat flour (yep! we used our grinder), Truvia, I've always used canola oil and olive oil. "I" have made whole wheat muffins twice now! We found sugar-free chocolate chips and I added those. I have lots of applesauce, pumpkin puree,
this has been so expensive to get organized for. I'm so glad you are all eating smart now, before something like this hits ...
Darwin even has eaten a little lettuce on his burger. Oh! And I found Whole Grain Thin Buns, they are great for everything !! They are about 3/8 of an inch thick and split in half and are good! Now to get him to try some new veggies.
All in all, and after all is said, we are getting it together.
We went to dinner at 'The Loft' and Darwin asked me "What do I order potatoes or rice? " He was in a panic...I told him to get double on the veggies. "Can we do that?" "Yes we can." He was so relieved !! He is so funny!! Good news is, we have both lost weight and his sugar is under 100 in the mornings!!
So if you have any low-sugar, low-fat, low-salt recipes -- post them for us. :)


Darwin and Deb said...

I forgot about the kidney stones--No caffiene either. hahahaha

Darwin and Deb said...

Does this background work out ok? I'll show you how to do this. It's pretty easy once you figure it out.

I have a Biggest Loser cookbook that has some good ideas. Do you want to borrow it?

Darwin and Deb said...

Ooops. This is Katie. I signed in under you to fix your background.

Tori and/or Clark said...

this is...very confusing. I have decided that I need to start cutting my sugars, so I am working on that with you, but all the other low stuff is hard. I will keep my eyes out for recipes.

MoM B. said...

Thanks Katie for fixing my Blog! I got the background up and it screwed everything else up! And I would love to borrow your cookbook. And thanks Tori for cutting the sugars with us. It's really not that hard. Your Dad has found sugar-free candy?!! ;0( Wish he would eat so much of it....

EaGLeSToNs said...

good for you guys. i know i can also improve on our diet as well. i have a new recipe i tried last night. will add to the recipe blog. keep up the great work! have you gone on all-recipes yet?

MoM B. said...

Yes I did, I found a couple. Thanks

EaGLeSToNs said...

you too... plus your fish were very hungry.