Thursday, October 16, 2008

~~ OUR LIFE ~~

Just a quick up-date on "US". Darwin is doing great. He took prednisone for his knee and that seem to help him so far. He found out he has osteoarthritis in his knee also....(I thought he knew that?) He is still the Membership clerk for the Ward, has been for 13 years now. I was just put in over Visiting Teaching....(Katie, give me some ideas come spring)
We spent 4 days in Reno, helping Tara & Jake. Jake is in the hospital with bladder trouble.
Tara said he is doing ok. We got home Friday night. While in Reno, Eli was sick. I got it and when we got home Darwin got it. Tara had it. Not really fun, I felt so sorry for little Eli, he had dry heaves and it sounded like it hurt. However, it did not slow him down very much!
Next week, we are flying to Arkansas !! We can't wait to see the Bills Bunch there. I can't believe how grown up Sadie looked on the blog. I just hope Silas will like us. Sadie and Isaac will be baptized while we are there. Our little family is growing up. Next will be graduation, then missions!!
BTW= We thoroughly enjoyed having Sawyer for a couple of days (at the First part of the Month)(I think). He is quite the character, and he knows how to get around the NO's. I think he had fun, he just meandered around and played. Fun times, next it's Lincoln's turn.
See you all when we get back~~


Tori and/or Clark said...

thanks for the update.

Katie S said...

It's about time! :) Sawyer had a good time @ your place. He kept asking for you guys.

It was mentioned to me that I still have at least 1 more year in my calling (that will make it 3), so I feel safe to say I am an expert @ Visiting Teaching. Although, any ideas you have, I am welcome to hear!!

Have fun in AR! Tell all the Bills' hello from us!!

EaGLeSToNs said...

Thank you Thank you Thank you for coming out and hanging with Eli. If Jake hadn't been in the hospital it would've been a fun trip. Oh, and minus all the throwing up and such. I guess when it rains it pours. Good luck on your trip and DON'T LOSE YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE!